od strane Radmin | мар 31, 2023 | Bolesti
RFT1-CDG is a form of congenital disorders of N-linked glycosylation characterized by poorly coordinated suck resulting in difficulty feeding and failure to thrive; myoclonic jerks with hypotonia and brisk reflexes progressing to a seizure disorder; roving eyes;...
od strane Radmin | мар 31, 2023 | Bolesti
od strane Radmin | мар 31, 2023 | Bolesti
Lichen planus (LP) pigmentosus is a rare variant of cutaneous lichen planus (see this term) characterized by the presence of hyperpigmented lichenoid lesions in sun-exposed or flexural areas of the body.
od strane Radmin | мар 31, 2023 | Bolesti
Spasmus nutans (SN) is a rare eye disease characterized by the clinical triad of asymmetric and pendular nystagmus, head nodding, and torticollis.
od strane Radmin | мар 31, 2023 | Bolesti
Athyreosis is a form of thyroid dysgenesis (see this term) characterized by complete absence of thyroid tissue that results in primary congenital hypothyroidism (see this term), a permanent thyroid deficiency that is present from birth.
od strane Radmin | мар 31, 2023 | Bolesti
Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) is a rare bone disease characterized by an acquired idiopathic necrotic lesion of subchondral bone with the formation of a sequestrum, which may detach to form loose bodies in joints. OCD mainly affects the knee, ankle and elbow joints...